AMELIA, your smart travel guide

Cover image of Amelia project

AI-powered travel planning that boost conversions.

80% Improvement in conversion rate
100% specialization
Win over - Participation and engagement

The friction point

Air travel booking processes can be a maze of options and confusing steps, making it difficult for customers to find the best deals and complete their bookings. This can lead to frustration, wasted time, and abandoned carts, ultimately affecting airlines’ revenue.

The breakthrough

Picture an air travel experience where booking a flight is as effortless as chatting with a virtual friend. Introducing AMELIA, our AI flight assistant powered by a chatbot. AMELIA meticulously guides passengers through every step of the booking process, with the ability to access information from the Internet and combine it with existing company data, all with a personalized touch. This user-centric approach not only enhances the customer experience but also drives conversion rates and strengthens the bond between airlines and their passengers.

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This case study was originally composed in Español.