Designing products that people love help users deliver value drive growth

Hey! I’m Laura 🍀, a strategic Product Designer based in Barcelona who thrives on creating user-centric experiences that fuel business growth.

Guided by user satisfaction
Purposeful solutions
Complexity driven

Passenger list

Improving usability and consistency to delight customers and boost NPS on the Vueling Groups platform.

Acquiring and assigning extras

Seamlessly streamline the process for groups to add extras, maximizing convenience and profits.

Informative landing pages transformation

Enhancing user satisfaction and increasing the productivity of Vueling's digital team.

Personal projects

An experience tailored to your every craving

Bridging business strategy, product design, and AI to craft an exceptional user experience.

AMELIA, your smart travel guide

AI-powered travel planning that boost conversions.

Safe and eco-friendly rides with Spark

The scooter parking app that ensures your safety and tranquillity.